The 120% technology and skills ‘boost’ deduction

The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium businesses have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your deductions. Almost a year after the...

10 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Accountant in Melbourne

Choosing the right accountant in Melbourne is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your financial success. Whether you’re an individual seeking help with tax returns or a business...

Unveiling the Expertise of Accountants in Melbourne: Your Financial Allies

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, managing finances and maintaining accurate financial records has become crucial for organizations of all sizes. In the bustling city of...

How a Business Accountant in Melbourne Enhances Financial Planning

Financial planning is a critical component of business success, and having a skilled business accountant Melbourne can make all the difference. From budgeting and forecasting to strategic...

‘Ace in the Hole’Budget 2023-24

The ‘ace in the hole’ of the 2023-24 Federal Budget was the $4.2bn surplus; the first in 15 years. The surplus was driven by a surge in the corporate and individual tax take. High commodity prices...

ATO Rental Property Blitz

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses. The ATO’s assessment, based on previous data matching...

‘OnlyFans’ Tax Risk Warning

The explosion of OnlyFans, YouTubers, TikTokers and others all offer an opportunity for ‘content creators’ to profit from the audiences they generate. But now the Tax Office has given notice to the...

$20k Small Business Energy Incentive

In a pre-Budget announcement, the Government has committed to a Small Business Energy Incentive Scheme that offers a bonus tax deduction of up to $20,000. The Small Business Energy Incentive...

What will the ATO be Asking about your Holiday Home?

Taxpayers claiming deductions on holiday homes are in the ATO’s sights. The ATO is concerned that people with holiday homes are claiming more deductions than they should and have published the...
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